Thursday, October 25, 2007

Good Manners Class # 2

Eeek!! Talk about confusion....

No one was on time + three new student and their dogs = COMPLETE chaos!! and I say I like trial by fire. ha!!

There are two rat terriers (2 yo and 5 mo), both were able to pay attention and wanted to work. Hooray. One I would like to steal for an agility dog/freestyle dog. Very cool, able learner. Two beagles that are way overstimulated!! and not very food motivated due to being over stimulated. If they weren't already getting the porky-beagle look I would think they were another breed!! Just kidding.

Class was okay. We reviewed "watch me" and "sit," introduced "down," and talked about why massage was good for your dog. Did a wee bit of LLW (Loose Leash Walking). Considering the three new students arrived at different times and only one knew what a clicker is, it wasn't TOO terrible.

And hey, at least I am not teaching six weeks of privates again. This session should be extremely interesting/entertaining/and frustrating. Yeah! I'll take it.


Katrin said...

Oh jeeze, I promise I try really really really hard not to have that happen!!!! It's called "non refundable deposit" which works really well for getting people to come to class!

ann-and-partner said...

You sound up for the challenge!

Jules said...

Ha! Well, the class did go by super quick. I was very BUSY!!!

Shelly said...

Great Job! When I see you, can we talk more about massage?

Jules said...

Absolutely! I am currently reading about ear accupressure points! : )

Katrin said...

Ooo, those are so cool! I have a few really good books on accupressure in animals, you can borrow if you want.

Jules said...

Oh!! Yes, please! That would be cool.