Friday, April 18, 2008

Carmie's Tunneler Fun Run

My great FIL met me in Wrentham today so that Carmie could do a couple of tunneler fun runs. Yay! She was surprisingly focused. She's a good girlie!! I hope that she will be as good crated at the trial (hah!). It was a great opportunity for Carmen to chill out in an unusual (for her) environment.

We saw Marlene and Sophie, Nancy and Remy, and Katrin and Obi among others! Sophie has been seeing the chiropractor and it was great to see how much more fluidity her movements have. She seemed like she had an awesome time running tunnels.


Katrin said...

Niche says- What about me?! Didn't you see me too!? The handsome brown boy? Does no one even notice me anymore?! I'm special too!

And then I remind him that Julie was the 1st to offer to run him in the tunnelers fun runs if I didn't want to/couldn't. I ran him in one run, he had a good time!

Good girl Carmen & Sophie!

Cat, Tessie, & Strata said...

Ahhh! Look at Sophie go! :D

I so wish I could've gone. I'm still bummed, even after a full day of trialing today. :(

Urban Smoothie Read said...

tunnel is my favourite obstacle in agility...

tunneler must be really fun with so many tunnel to run with...