Friday, May 9, 2008

Weaves #3

Carmie continues to have great difficulty with weaves from the right. It is bizarre (well, not really bizarre), but MORE practice should take care of it. Katrin suggested I remove two poles and practice with a set of four clicking the entries. Carmen thinks so much and wants to learn, she is sure to pick it up quickly with some real focused attention. Two, make sure I don’t neglect Carmen taking weaves from my left!

In addition to Carmen not liking to weave on the right I was moving too much and giving the poor dog mixed signals. I have to be more careful about that – especially with Carmen. She so seeks out information and if I am broadcasting bad info she is going to run with it.

Carmen’s start line wait is going well. I am trying to mix up when I release her at home and in class, so she is becoming more consistent and committed. She does find agility so much fun that she has trouble waiting patiently, but she does!

Carmen wasn’t anywhere near as reactive as she was last week – of course I didn’t have her near the door and I was prepared with treats and my clicker!

When Iris and Blue ran some of us went outside to create a less stimulating environment in the barn. Carmen was a bit grumble-y at Callie because she was PLAYING with Bug! The horror! But she wasn’t obnoxious, so that’s good. Bug and Callie are a match made in heaven I think.

In general a good class. We really need to FOCUS!!

1 comment:

Urban Smoothie Read said...

our right weaving are bad too... we shld started putting more effort into it...