Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Read - Dog Park Etiquette Article

There is a good article in Sunday's 77 Square (Madison State Journal ) on dog park etiquette. The article is called Before hitting the dog park, brush up on canine expressions by Chris Martell (interviewing/with Patricia McConnell).

Personally I only go to the dog park if it is pouring rain and I know no on else will be there. Dangerous places, dog parks. :-)


manymuddypaws said...

I agree- I only go to the one that is not busy, and stay clear away from everyone else...I much prefer my un-official off leash area where I am the only one. :o)

Sarah said...

We too have our own dog park (actually 3 spots we go too) - where I can see if anyone is there when I am walking. we've had some 'interesting' experiences at our local dog parks too .....

Diana said...

Yea, I only go to our dog park if no one is there. I agree, its to dangerous. Diana