Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today I did not go to agility class. Things have been stressful with the broken dh and even after a 3-day weekend I needed a mental health day. So, the boys and I went for a hike at Borderland State Park about 10 minutes from my house.

I figured the hike would help me decompress and start to get Bug back in shape. Due to his injury a lot of the muscle he had formed got soft. We did 5 minutes of flat walking, 25 minutes of hill/rocky hiking, 15 minutes of flat walking. Then I stretched the Bug in the parking lot. More massage to come tonight.

Due to the uneven ground surface, hiking is a great way to build core muscles up. We are scheduled to see the chiropractor tomorrow night and it will be interesting to see how she thinks Bug feels after herding and hiking.


101mutts said...

I love Borderlands!

What trail did you take for the rockier hiking?

It was strange being at agility without you there. :)

Jules said...

Hi Shaya, we did the West Side Trail-to-French Trail-to-Northwest Trail and then came back along the Pond Walk. I was tempted to stay on the French Trail and make a longer hike, but I didn't want to overdue it the first time out in a while. As it is, I think it ended up being a nice length and combo of flat versus incline. Not too terribly steep, but a fair amount of rocky incline.

I also love Borderland - particularly the Pond Edge Trail - I always feel like I am in a Tolkien novel along it.

101mutts said...

We sometimes take that series of trails or something similar.
But our absolute favorite is to take Northwest up to Split Rock and then down to Granite. Split Rock is pretty cool!

I haven't been down the Pond Edge recently, I don't think.

Jules said...

Now that Bug is on the rebound we can start getting a little longer. Can't wait!